jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Christine's profile by Kevin

Christine is 18 years old and she lives in Palmares. She's originally from Guanacaste. Christine has 3 sisters and 1 brother, all of them are older than her, their names are Leticia, Florita, Liliana and Alejandro. She has a good relationship with her siblings.
Last year she was in fith grade of highschool, now she´s studying at the UNED
general studies but she wants to study at the UCR. An important detail is that she doesn´t know what to study yet.She´s kind of bored of Palmares, she want´s to be in another place. Also she is a very lazy person, some of her favorite activities are surfing on the internet, watch TV, to chat, use facebook but she also focus on her studies. She doesn´t like to go out, she prefers to stay at home. Her greatest achievement is the graduation from highschool and the CCCN.The best moment for her was when she finished highschool becuase she didn´t like it. The reason why she likes English, is that she considers that this language is really important in our lives to have better oportunities. Her greatest ambition is to have a job and a nice car.
Her favorite trip is to go to the beach: " I like when I spend time with my family", she said.
Her family is really important to her.
She´s a responsable and generous person.
She would like to be an athletic person : "I like when people worry about their health and want to be on fit", she said.

sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010


Kevin is a 16 years old boy, he lives in San Ramon but he's from San Jose. He has a little sister named Stephanie. He's currently studying at Patriarca high school, the tenth grade. He enjoys practicing sports, his favorite one is soccer, and he’s on San Ramon's soccer team: "Playing soccer is away to feel relaxed"

He's always doing things, is a very active person, whenever he is not practicing any sport he's surfing on the Internet or playing videogames.

When He finishes high school, he wants to study business administration. His greatest ambition is to have a good job and a nice car. His idea of perfect happiness is not being afraid of changes. The best decision he has ever made was studying English because he knows the importance of this language nowadays.

He believes he hasn't made big or bad decisions in this life because he still is too young for that. His greatest achievements are the graduation of CCCN and English courses in TEC. He likes going abroad. "I would like to visit interesting and beautiful places"

He describes himself as a generous and humble person.

While i was talking to him I noticed that he's a friendly person, he gets along with everyone.

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

KLDA-HERCOLUMBUS (Kevin's planet)

I think inhabitants of kevin's planet are more like venusians because as he said they're always thinking about helping and making the others feel good. His planet has some similarities with mine becuase both of our planet's inhabitants are concerned about the well-being of everyone and they are such a nice people to meet.
It would be nice to live in his planet becuase I think I'd feel so comfortable between the people in there, they seem to be easy to get along with and I'd would have a great time in that planet.


The name of this planet is based on a Greek titan, Kronos the father of time. the people of Kronos are nice people. their diet is based on plants, they respect the living things, which means that they don't kill anything that moves. They are mysterious and dark on the outside but nice in the inside, you just have to get to know them well to notice, their planet is a little moon near the alpha-centaury solar system, their science is really advanced, they make their own energy, the wild life is very abundant. there's lots of plants and trees the oceans and rivers are clean, the air is carbon dioxide free. Their atmosphere is based on gold and oxigen, they explore the universe to collect this precious element. They are more like Venusians because they are very sentimental and they don't have any similarities to the Martians.